Do you have a hobby? How do you like spending your free time? Is their value in having hobbies? This seminar explores the role that hobbies play in well being.
The Value of Hobbies: Link to Reading
Hobby or Business? (VIDEO) : Link to Reading
Turn Your Hobby Into a Job : Link to Reading
When Following Your Dream Job is a Bad Idea: Link to Reading
“Crowdtesting” an Idea (Optional): Link to Reading
Turn Your Hobby Into a Moneymaking Career (Optional): Link to Reading
Discussion Questions:
Is it important to have hobbies? How do hobbies fit into your life with work/family/etc.? Do we really need hobbies to be happy/successful?
Webster’s defines a hobby as “a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation”. What is your definition of a hobby? Where do you draw the line?
How can we make our hobbies more sustainable? Does that defeat the purpose of it being a hobby?
What are your own hobbies?