Beyond Marijuana: Reconsidering Illegal Drugs for their Medical Benefits
This seminar explores the possible benefits of using illegal drugs as medical treatments. As the name implies, we will discuss marijuana but also a plethora of other drugs that are not at the forefront of medicinal discussion.
Psilocybin: An Overview of "Magic Mushrooms": Link to Reading
Want to Quit Smoking? Eat a Magic Mushroom, New Study Says: Link to Reading
Ted Talk: The Surprising Story of Medical Marijuana and Pediatric Epilepsy: Link to Reading
6 Party Drugs that May Have Health Benefits: Link to Reading
Regulating Cannabis: The Right Way to Do Drugs: Link to Reading
Sniffing at a New Solution: Novel Drugs for Depression: Link to Reading
Discussion Questions:
What is your immediate reaction to the Johns Hopkins mushrooms study?
Do you believe there is a generational divide on the issue of medicinal marijuana?
Do you know anyone who uses marijuana for medicinal purposes? If so, what have you observed from their experiences?
What sort of factors should we consider in drawing the line between recreational and medicinal?