Mail-Order Brides


What and who exactly are Mail-Order Brides? This discussion examines the mail-order bride system identifying what kind of situations brides are putting themselves into and whether or not it is safe. The readings and discussion questions aim to draw out conversation on the various different perspectives about mail-order brides and whether the practice is right or not.


  1. “Mail Order Brides” Still Exist Link to Reading

  2. Bride school: Where South Korea’s mail-order wives learn their trade Link to Reading

  3. How the Internet Gave Mail-Order Brides the Power Link to Reading

  4. An Inside Look at the Mail-Order Bride industry in America Link to Reading

  5. Yes, This Woman is a “Mail-Order Bride” Link to Reading

  6. South Korea’s Foreign Bride Problem Link to Reading

Discussion Questions:

  1. Before reading the articles about mail-order brides for today’s discussion did you know what and who mail-order brides were? If so how did you think about them?

  2. Do you think the mail-order bride system should be stopped or changed? Should the government be enforcing more policies on these mail-order bride companies?

  3. To participate in mail-order bride relationships it can have both negative or positive outcomes. Do you think the risk of going to another country and meeting someone you do not know well enough is worth it for these mail-order brides?

  4. Do you think it is fair for the mail-order bride companies to send over brides to a foreign country without educating the brides on the policies there for them if they find themselves in a abused relationship? For countries like South Korea who do not have policies for migrant women in relationships to prevent domestic violence what could be done to raise awareness of human rights of the immigrants in South Korea?

  5. Where does the blame go when mail-order bride relationships turn out negatively? Do we blame the companies themselves, the marriage brokers who are interacting with the men and women, or the government itself for not paying attention to the dealings of the mail-order bride system?


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