Themes Surrounding Mental Health


In this seminar, we will explore themes related to mental health.


  1. From Stigmatized to Sensationalized by Jessie Yu

  2. The Stigma of Mental Health in Athletes by James Bauman

  3. What Exactly is Neurodiversity? YouTube video from How to ADHD (watch from beginning until 3:47)

  4. The Advantages and Challenges of Neurodiversity Employment in Organizations by Anna Krzeminska, Robert D. Austin, Susanne M. Bruyere, & Darren Hedley (Pgs. 1-4)

  5. OPTIONAL: Why Gen Z is more open to talking about their Mental Health by Arlin Cuncic

  6. OPTIONAL: How the Tokyo Olympics Changed the Conversation around Athletes’ Mental Health by Alice Park

  7. OPTIONAL: Designing the Mentally Healthy Workplace podcast by The Anxious Achiever

Discussion Questions:

  1. Gen Z has consistently proven itself to be one that openly speaks about mental health. Have we crossed/blurred the line between de-stigmatizing mental illness and romanticizing it? What role does social media play to normalize mental health issues v. sensationalizing them? How does pop culture frame this narrative (ex: This is Us v. 13 Reasons Why)?

  2. Are mental toughness and mental health seen as contradictory in elite professions (ie sport, business, MBA programs)? Or is mental toughness a precursor/indicator of strong mental health? How do you strike the balance of prioritizing your own mental health while remaining accountable to a team?

  3. Advocates for neurodiversity concurrently campaign for acceptance and respect for autistic people as valuable members of society and also fight for appropriate support and services to meet the needs of the autistic community. How will you, as a business leader support, these goals? How should current recruiting and training practices be altered?


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