Modern Spirituality
You’ve probably heard you friends say “I’m spiritual, but not religious.” Spirituality and mindfulness are trending topics these days, while faith and religion have almost become taboo. In this session, we’ll explore how millennials are changing the definition of spirituality and why so many are turning to entities other than the church, synagogue, or mosque to find meaning.
Spiritual, But Not Religious (Fuller, 2010): Read “Unchurched Spirituality, An Introduction,” p. 1-12 Link
Millennials Haven’t Forgotten Spirituality, They’re Just Looking for New Venues (PBS, 2017): Link
A Scientist’s New Theory: Religion Was Key To Humans’ Social Evolution (Washington Post, 2017): Link
The Cult of Mindfulness (The Spectator, 2014): Link
Discussion Questions:
Why do we have religion? What do the religious seek to get out of their practices and beliefs?
How do you define spirituality? Can one be spiritual without identifying as religious
Why are people turning away from religious institutions?
Do you consider practices like meditation to be an informal substitute for formal institutions? Are these practices religious?