Philanthropy: Slacktivism or Innovation


In this seminar, you will discuss whether recent "innovations" in philanthropy spurred by social media such as the "ice-bucket challenge" are novel ways to raise funds or are they are form of "slacktivism" where one can demonstrate care without putting forth much effort.


  1. Facebook and Twitter as civic engagement: Link to Reading

  2. Origins of the ALS Ice Bucket challenge: Link to Reading

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is “slacktivism” and how has it been used in the past?

  2. Why do you think this is a growing form of engagement?

  3. In what settings do you think that “slacktivism” is a good thing? And when may it not serve the cause as well? Do you agree with Gladwell or his critics?

  4. Is there a difference between focusing on overall outcome of an initiative vs. individual engagement (i.e. - millions of dollars donated in ALS ice bucket challenge vs. low average contribution by individuals)?

  5. For causes that struggle to gain traction/widespread support, how would you position fundraising efforts differently? Is it ok to portray the cause in a misleading way to gain more support? For example – how do you get more young people to donate to and care about Alzheimer’s Disease?

  6. How do you personally make decisions about where to donate your time/money/attention?


Climate Change and Public Health


Modern Spirituality